Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sorry this is so long coming guys!

Hello everyone! I guess it's about time we popped in for an update. Miss Ivria is about to turn one year old! Tomorrow is the 27th of February! Hooray! Our celebrating will be done on March 8th, when we can have some family over to join in the fun.

Well, this past year has just flown by. So many milesones! Our first christmas together as a family, learning to crawl, she is even starting to stand on her own now! She has 12 teeth, is on strike from most foods that she can't eat by herself, and has weaned herself from breastfeeding. After a checkup tomorrow I'll be able to update her height/weight stats for you all, but I think she is almost ready for the big girl carseat.

Some of her favorite games include, Peekaboo-she plays by putting something in front of her face, or by hiding her face in the carpet, She loves to be chased around the living room, and she loves to go on walks strapped on my back so she can reach out and touch the branches and bushes as we walk by. Also, she loves animals, dogs in particular, loves to dance to music, and has a great love of shoes. I think she must have picked it up from her mommy who loves shoes too, but this past week she has been carrying around her pair of sandals.....

All in all, she is growing and changing and becoming the amazing person that God has made her to be. She is independent, cheerful and joyous, and has such a sweet spirit. We are blessed beyond measure, and I promise to share more of the blessings in the form of updated blog entries!

Love to you all.


  1. Not only has Ivria picked up the love for shoes from her Mommie, she has also picked up the silly ways of playing peek-a-boo! I remember all to well as if it was just yesterday. I think Ivria is a mini carbon copy of her mother. I am glad to know that "My Lil Angel" is the delight of her parents because she is my delight!


  2. Happy Birthday to Ivria
    Happy Birthday to Ivria
    Happy Birthday dear Ivriaaaaaaa
    Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu!

    BIG one year old! Time flies by so fast!

  3. Great Gram thinks Ivria is the most beautiful girl, equal to her Mom, and her Mom's Mom! Of course you are ALL mine.

  4. Hi,

    Happy birthday Ivria. No dout Ivria is very beautiful girl.
    She looks like a queen.

